Event Summary: Improving Europe’s Competitiveness – Role of Open Markets, Emerging Technologies, and Strategic Alliances
Last April 8, we co-organised together with the Centre for European Perspective the event “Improving Europe’s Competitiveness – Role of Open Markets, Emerging Technologies, and Strategic...
Webinar Summary: What Now for the WTO After MC13?
The webinar “What now for the WTO after MC13”, hosted by ECIPE’s Director Matthias Bauer on March 12th, 2024, featured a wide and deep discussion on the post-MC13 landscape for the World Trade...
WTO Abu Dhabi Conference: Stalemate or Stepping Stone
It’s only 20 months since the WTO last had a ministerial conference. Usually, it’s at least two years between meetings but the previous conference was delayed by COVID, so there’s an element...
Cybersicherheitszertifizierung von Cloud-Dienstleistungen: Öffnet die deutsche Bundesregierung die Büchse der Pandora?
Teile der deutschen Wirtschaft äußern sehr große Bedenken hinsichtlich des Entwurfs für das Europäische Cybersicherheitszertifizierungsschema für Cloud-Dienste (EUCS) – ein Vorhaben, dass auf...
Plato, Love, and the Philosophical Problem of Europe’s AI Act
Plato’s Symposium is a good place to start a discussion about the EU’s forthcoming Artificial Intelligence Act – or AI Act. Before you choke on your coffee, let me explain why the ancient Greek...
Promoting a “GVCs for LDCs” Approach: The Case of Digital Certification for Organic Products
As in any other day of the year, billions of people around the world woke up on the 1st of October and started their daily routine with a cup of coffee. Except that on that day - the International...
The Importance of Digital Standards for Services Trade
Digital services trade is a fundamental and growing element of our shared economic future. But policy makers are disrupting cross-border ecosystems by adopting divergent governance approaches. To...
Summer Reading 2023 – Book Recommendations from ECIPE
Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate by Mary Elise Sarotte Professor Sarotte’s book is necessary reading to understand one of the most controversial diplomatic...
The urban legend of the EU’s digital economy: Where do we go from here?
It is not strange to think that the digital economy is made by and for American companies. Google is the window to the Internet, we buy through Amazon, and send messages via WhatsApp. According to...
Digital globalisation, digital trade policy, and the role of developing countries
Digital trade has grown very fast in recent years, not least because of Covid-19 and its push to do online business. The pandemic, according to one news story, “has accelerated digitalization and...