Latest Publications
The International Services Agreement (ISA) – From the European Vantage Point
Services liberalisation has perhaps suffered from the deadlock of the WTO more than any other area of trade. As the discussions of a potential...
The Rising Trend of Green Protectionism: Biofuels and the European Union
This paper surveys and discusses the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) in the European Union and its compatibility with EU obligations in the World...
FTAs and the Crisis in the European Car Industry
The crisis-struck EU finds it increasingly difficult to engage in trade negotiations with large-sized economies that would have a meaningful impact...
Industrial Policy in Europe Since the Second World War: What Has Been Learnt?
Prompted by the revival of interest in industrial policy in several European countries, this paper considers what lessons can be learned from earlier...
Reputation Matters: Spillover Effects in the Enforcement of US SPS Measures
This paper uses a novel dataset on US food import refusals to show that reputation is an important factor in the enforcement of sanitary and...
The Role of International Business in Aid for Trade: Building Capacity for Trade in Developing Countries
Since the launch of the global initiative on Aid for Trade in 2005, there has been a concerted effort by donors, partner agencies and recipients to...
FUTURE-PROOFING WORLD TRADE IN TECHNOLOGY: Turning the WTO IT Agreement (ITA) into the International Digital Economy Agreement (IDEA)
Despite being an agreement designed for the fastest developing sectors, the signatories of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) in the World...