Latest Publications
The G20: from Seoul to Paris and Beyond
This paper reviews what has been done and what should be done at the G20 Summit meetings and suggests key agendas to be focused on for the Seoul...
Baltic Economic Reforms: A Crisis Review of Baltic Economic Policy
The Baltic economies were severely hit by the global financial crisis. Gross Domestic Product has contracted considerably. Naturally, it asked what...
A Transatlantic Zero Agreement: Estimating the Gains from Transatlantic Free Trade in Goods
This study examines the potential gains from a transatlantic zero-tariff agreement on trade in goods. The idea of deeper transatlantic economic...
Whither Economic Integration in East Asia?
Countries in East Asia need to institutionalize their deepening economic interdependence. This institutionalization is however not to make East Asia...
A Future for the World Trade Organisation?
In ECIPE's Second Jan Tumlir Lecture, Peter Sutherland – the former Director General of the WTO who spearheaded the Uruguay Round of trade...
Administered Protection in the GATT/WTO System
This paper examines how WTO member governments have used safeguards, antidumping, and other instruments of “administered” or “contingent”...
Climate Change and Trade Policy: From Mutual Destruction to Mutual Support
Contrary to what is still often believed, the climate and trade communities have a lot in common: a common problem (a global “public good”)...
Foreign Direct Investment in Countries with Weak Institutions
The FDI behavior of a MNE facing a weak institutional environment in the host country is analyzed. Red tape can be strategically reduced by...