Latest Publications
Anti-dumping Investigation in the EU: How does it Work?
Anti-dumping rules are flexible and open to political bias. In the past ten years, EU investigating institutions have been biased towards the...
China and the Global Economic Crisis
What to expect from China in the current economic crisis? Will the crisis change China’s role in the international economy? In this Policy Brief,...
Sprinting During a Marathon: Why the WTO Ministerial Failed in July 2008
The WTO’s nine day sprint in July 2008 was an attempt to break the logjam on “modalities” for agriculture and NAMA in the marathon Doha Round...
Assessing International Trade in Healthcare Services
Many stories and anecdotal evidence document doctors and patients travelling across the globe to give and receive medical and cosmetic surgeries,...
Trade Policy In The BRIICS: A Crisis Stocktake And Looking Ahead
The BRIICS – Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa - are the largest developing countries in their respective regions. A...
The Armington-Heckscher-Ohlin Model – An Intuitive Exposition
Global models of world trade are often used as input into assessing the possible effects of liberalising trade. As simplifications of the economic...