Latest Publications
The EU-India FTA Negotiations: Leading to an Agreement or Disagreement?
After a brief discussion on the uneasy relationship between Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO, the implications of the “deep” integration...
Industrial Policy in Europe Since the Second World War: What Has Been Learnt?
Prompted by the revival of interest in industrial policy in several European countries, this paper considers what lessons can be learned from earlier...
China’s Challenge
The global economic crisis has changed the perception that many Western countries shared on China. It is no longer viewed as an unruly and...
Standards, Reputation and Trade: Evidence from US Horticultural Import Refusals
By disentangling productivity from quality sorting in horticultural exports, this paper investigates the impact of food safety standards and...
Reputation Matters: Spillover Effects in the Enforcement of US SPS Measures
This paper uses a novel dataset on US food import refusals to show that reputation is an important factor in the enforcement of sanitary and...
What is Driving the Rise in Health Care Expenditures? An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Cost Disease
The last 40 years have seen a rapid increase of government expenditures on public welfare arrangements. Increasing healthcare expenditures form a...
African Cotton Markets at Crossroads: Will the Price Spike Turn into a New Kick-Start?
After years of diplomatic efforts and legal procedures to obtain the elimination of rich countries’ cotton subsidies, policy prospects for African...
The Elusive Quest for Supply Response to Cash-crop Market Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Cotton
Little cross-cutting conclusions emerge from comparative studies on the impact of structural adjustment on Sub-Saharan African agricultural...