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The Eurozone’s Arrested Adolescence: Sketching a Way Out of the Crisis
The Eurozone crisis has been reinforced and prolonged by leaders’ inability to agree on robust and credible crisis responses. Individual...
Aid for Trade is Reaching its Limits, so What’s Next?
The Aid for Trade Initiative has reached its limits and is in a need to be revamped. This article describes the political economy that led to the...
Will Asia Shape or Shake the World Economy?
Asia’s economic rise has changed the world economy – and will continue to do so in the future as well. George Magnus in his policy brief claims...
High Noon in Europe’s Financial Regulatory Agenda
“Is the chicken now coming home to rooster?”, asked a senior bank executive at a recent conference on European bank regulations. After four years...
Revisiting the “Cotton Problem”—A Comparative Analysis of Cotton Reforms in sub-Saharan Africa
The cotton sector has been among the most regulated in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and still largely is in West and Central Africa (WCA), despite...
Russia in the WTO: Unriddling the Mystery of Russia’s Trade Policy
After almost two decades of accession negotiations, Russia was invited in mid-December last year to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This was...
What Power Shift to China?
As the west struggles under the double burden of anaemic growth and massive debt, the belief has become common that power is shifting to China. But...
How Can Greece Leave the Euro?
There are fifty ways to leave your lover, according to the song, but only two ways for Greece to leave the Euro. Nothing less than the survival of...