Latest Publications
How Huawei Weathered the Storm: Resilience, Market Conditions or Failed Sanctions?
Huawei is exhibiting stoic resilience in the face of US sanctions, economic downturns, and the slow pace of 5G investments. There is a narrative that...
German Industrial Competitiveness and the Metaverse
The metaverse is the next iteration of the internet as an immersive, 3D, virtual, shared world where activities can be carried out with the help of...
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Industrie und das Metaverse
Das Metaverse ist die nächste Stufe des Internets, das virtuelle 3D-Umgebungen schafft, in denen virtuelle Erlebnisse mithilfe von erweiterten...
EU–ASEAN: Shared Objectives, Severed Trust
Co-authored with Joses Wong, Secretary-General of ASEANCHAM EU After 45 years of diplomatic dialogue, EU-ASEAN relations continue to dawdle,...
The Future of EU Leadership in the Car Industry: Still Global
Automotive is Europe’s key export industry, an important contributor to the EU economy, from balance of payments to employment, and a...
Subsidising Balkanisation: What China’s 3G Subsidies Teach us about 5G Open RAN
Open RAN is increasingly becoming the answer to how to diversify 5G networks and beyond, especially in the light of a potential exclusion of...
The EU Green Deal and Its Industrial and Political Significance
The European Green Deal, the flagship initiative of the incumbent European Commission, aims to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 55% by 2030...
Economic Costs of Ex ante Regulations
Regulations are an indispensable part of an economy and are proven to generate a significant impact on the economic, environment and social...
Open RAN: The Technology, its Politics and Europe’s Response
This policy brief explores the implications of Open RAN concept and its technical and political developments in the mobile network industry. Open...
The Economic Losses from Ending the WTO Moratorium on Electronic Transmissions
This paper is co-authored with Badri Narayanan, PhD, Associate Professor at University of Washington, Consultant at McKinsey Global Institute, UN...