Five Challenges for Five Decisive Years in Europe
This blog post is based on an article published in El País on the 9th of June 2024 with Isabel Pérez del Puerto. The original article can be found here. For years, European citizens in general, and...
Event Summary: Trading Up: How EU Trade Policy Can Lead to Better Market Access and More Resilient Sourcing
On May 14, 2024, together with Europe Unlocked, we organised a conference titled "Trading Up: How EU Trade Policy Can Lead to Better Market Access and More Resilient Sourcing." The event, held in...
Episode 99: Calling on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council – How to Deliver for the Planet and the Economy with Oscar Guinea
Director Fredrik Erixon talks with Senior Economist Oscar Guinea ahead of the 6th EU-US TTC on why this meeting taking place in Leuven between the 4th and 6th of April, 2024, is of particular...
On the Importance of Trade Openness
*Disclaimer: the views expressed herein are those of the author and do not represent an official position by the European Commission. Competitiveness concerns are back to the fore. The FT has...
WTO Dispute Settlement Reform Hinges on Washington
There are few issues today on which trade lawyers in Washington, DC, will agree. But virtually all US trade lawyers – Democrats, Republicans, administration, Congress or private sector – agree...
WTO Abu Dhabi Conference: Stalemate or Stepping Stone
It’s only 20 months since the WTO last had a ministerial conference. Usually, it’s at least two years between meetings but the previous conference was delayed by COVID, so there’s an element...
Episode 97: EU Strategic Interdependence and How to Revitalise the WTO with José Ignacio Torreblanca
This podcast is a recording of the conversation that ECIPE Director Matthias Bauer hosted with José Ignacio Torreblanca, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and...
Calling on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council: How to Deliver for the Planet and the Economy
In recent years, there has been a shift in the EU-US relationship. Historically, these regions were leading advocates for trade liberalization, but now their policymakers are increasingly focused on...
The Economic Value of Standard Essential Patents and the Costs of the Commission’s SEPs proposal
The European Commission’s proposal to reform Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) puts SEP holders against SEP implementers. The logic is simple: since the economic contribution of implementers is...
How Should UK Trade Policy Respond to Global Developments?
Trade policy is in flux, moving from previous norms of trade liberalisation and relatively strong institutions, to fragmentation and great power competition. There are obvious tensions between US,...