On ants, dinosaurs, and how to survive a trade apocalypse
Palaeontologists have long recognised that unexpected but hugely devastating events can change life on Earth forever. A common theory suggests that a huge asteroid that hit the Earth around 65...
EU Trade Policy for a Post-COVID World
On May 28, ECIPE together with TradeExperettes, and Women in Trade Network hosted a webinar on EU trade policy after Covid-19. Sabine Weyand (European Commission), Luisa Santos (BusinessEurope), and...
Trade in Time of Corona: what’s next for the EU?
The European Commission updated its trade forecasts for 2020 which followed the WTO’s estimates for this and next year. Both reports agree on a dramatic drop in trade volume due to the economic...
Episode 19: Understanding Barriers to Digital Trade with Erik van der Marel
At a time where digital trade is the fastest growing component of all trade flows, barriers to digital trade are also rising. Fredrik Erixon talks to Erik van der Marel, Senior Economist at ECIPE...
Three challenges for the new EU Trade Commissioner
Now that he took office, no shortage of work awaits Mr Hogan, the new EU Trade Commissioner. We review some of his key challenges. ‘I always seem to inherit a job when things are not going too...
Time is running out to address trade frictions. For effective WTO reform to happen the US, EU and China need to live up to their responsibilities
All three of the WTO’s functions - administering multilateral trade rules, serving as a forum for trade negotiations, and providing a mechanism to settle trade disputes - are currently under...
The future EU trade policy – what have we learned from the European Parliament hearings?
On October 2, a Commissioner-Designate for the DG Trade Phil Hogan has presented a list of strategic priorities for the next 5-year term in the office. Accordingly, one of his main focus areas will...
European Elections or: “how to learn to stop worrying and be positive about trade in the future”
With the elections for the European Parliament, multiple promises are made as politicians compete to gain voters and influence future policies. One might then ask, how will the outcome of these...
Myths Abound on Trade Policy
By Iain Murray, Competitive Enterprise Institute The global trading system that was set up after World War II and has been so successful in reducing tariffs around the world appears to be on its...
The Cost of Data Protectionism
* This blog is written together with Janez Kren, PhD candidate at the University of Leuven, who is a co-author of one of the studies presented below. Policymakers today have the difficult...