Episode 87: The Future of China with Xi Jinping with Frank Lavin
Fredrik Erixon talks to Frank Lavin about the overall direction of Chinese security and economic policies after the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party that was held...
Episode 84: The Current State of EU-China Relations with Daniel Kaddik
Matthias Bauer talks to Daniel Kaddik, the Executive Director of the European Liberal Forum. They discuss EU-China political relations considering systemic political challenges, the...
Episode 82: Ukrainian Economy During the War with Maria Repko
Fredrik Erixon talks to Maria Repko, a colleague in the world of think tanks and the Deputy Executive Director at the Centre for Economic Strategy, a Kyiv-based research organization. Ms Repko has...
Check Mate to the Rules of the Game
This piece was co-authored with Isabel Pérez del Puerto, a journalist and communicator in financing for development. “The king is an attacking piece, use it!” said the Austrian chess...
Power to Ukraine: Rebuilding Ukraine’s Electricity System
This piece was co-authored with Dr.-Ing. Manuel Sánchez Jiménez, the former Team Leader for Smart Grids at the European Commission and currently Senior Advisor to European Union Agency for the...
How to Win Friends and Influence People: EU Sanctions, Trade Distortions, and the Case for Reviving Economic Diplomacy
The response of the West to the Russian war in Ukraine has been to isolate the Russian economy. And although it might seem like they have been successful, given the scale and severity of the...
Three Seas Initiative: Instrument for Decreasing Dependency on Russian Energy
Lilianna Ziedins, a student of Economics and International Studies at the American University, and an intern at ECIPE between January and April 2022. The conflict in Ukraine has accelerated the...
Protect Ukraine – Protect Europe!
The war in Europe has now been raging for more than a month. Day by day, it is becoming more violent. Lives of innocent people are sacrificed because of Vladimir Putin’s malicious desire to restore...
EU’s Dependency Problem on Russian Oil and Gas
Russia’s war on Ukraine has started a new discussion about Europe’s energy dependency on Russia. In an upcoming ECIPE policy brief, we develop a conceptual framework and indicators to measure...
Thoughts on EU Trade Policy after Ukraine
With the rapidity of events in the last month full analysis of the long-term implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for global politics or economics feels premature, especially given the...