L’insoutenable légèreté de la décision de l’Institut Français de Séoul en Corée : La disparition de la Médiathèque à Séoul
« C’est avec beaucoup d’humilité que je viens aujourd’hui dans ce lieu essayer de vous parler de francophonie ». Si je reprends, avec encore plus d’humilité, cette première phrase du...
China’s Growing Soft Power: Should Europe Protect its Cultural Industries?
One of the notable aspects of China’s foreign policy in recent years has been the increasing focus on developing soft power. Beijing has arguably invested more in this area than any other country...
The “Winning Cards” in the Digital Era: Internet, Smart Devices, and Online Network Services
It was the “Walkman” which transformed Sony from a relatively unknown small company in the 1970s to the prominent global giant that we know today. Given its popular reputation, it is remarkable...
Beyond Geo-blocking: “Gangnam Style” is not just for Gangnam
“Gangnam Style” by Psy has been a seemingly unstoppable musical force around the world. With over 2.5 billion clicks (as of February 2016) this song has been YouTube's most watched video since...
Cultural Industries: Europe, Look East!
There is a fascinating twist in the current European debate on cultural industries and the Single Digital Market: it has been dominated by the transatlantic dimension. Europeans are still measuring...
Wrestling with or Embracing Digitization?
Vincent Van Gogh is regarded as one of the greatest artists and his paintings are some of the world’s most expensive. However, while he was alive he only sold one piece, The Red Vineyard near...