Razeen Sally
Email: [email protected]

Razeen Sally is Director of ECIPE, which he co-founded in 2006. He is also Associate Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and Chairman of the Institute of Policy Studies, the main economic think tank in his native Sri Lanka. He was on the faculty of the London School of Economics for eighteen years, where he also received his PhD. He has held adjunct teaching, research and advisory positions at universities and think tanks in the USA, Europe, Africa and Asia. He is on the Global Agenda Council for Competitiveness of the World Economic Forum, and was awarded the Hayek Medal by the Hayek Society in Germany in 2011. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.
Razeen Sally’s research and teaching focuses on global trade policy and Asia in the world economy. He has written on the WTO, FTAs, and on different aspects of trade policy in Asia. He has also written on the history of economic ideas, especially the theory of commercial policy.
ECIPE Occasional Papers
Indian Trade Policy After the Crisis
India, like China, had a “good” crisis; both have spearheaded exuberant post-crisis recovery in emerging markets. A combination of stable government and roaring growth gives rise to predictions that India will hit annual growth rates of 10 per cent or more. This is India hype. Reforms have stalled since 2004, with no prospect of big change. The combination of a barely-reforming government in Delhi and turbulent global economic conditions will make it difficult...
ECIPE Occasional Papers
The Crisis and the Global Economy: A Shifting World Order?
The global economic crisis has sparked short-term divergence of economic performance between the West and emerging markets, and thereby accelerated the longer-run convergence of the latter on the former. This Shift to the East is also even more evident in international trade and FDI than it is in other channels of globalisation. But emerging markets’ political and economic institutions, and intra-regional divisions, continue to hold back their rise. That means...
ECIPE Occasional Papers
Chinese Trade Policy After (Almost) Ten Years in the WTO: A Post-Crisis Stocktake
China’s trade policy has shifted in the near-decade since it joined the WTO, argues Razeen Sally in a new study. It behaves more like a very large, complex economy and less like a small-to-medium-sized open economy. It inclines less to unilateral liberalisation and more to hard-bargaining reciprocity. China’s short-term challenge is to contain protection at home, concludes Sally. Beyond that, China’s challenge is to stimulate...
ECIPE Occasional Papers
Beyond Geopolitics – The Case for a Free Trade Accord between Europe and Taiwan
This paper discusses the economics and geopolitics of EU Taiwan commercial relations and weighs the case for a free trade agreement (FTA) between them. There is a widespread belief that China will oppose an EU-Taiwan FTA. The recent cross-Straits rapprochement, recently crowned by a trade agreement, could provide a window for Taiwan to sign trade deals with other partners. An FTA with Taiwan would boost some of Europe’s most competitive sectors in ICT,...
Media Mention
The Legatum Institute Special Trade Commission
Razeen Sally is now a commissioner at the Legatum Institute Special Trade Commission
Media Mention
Luck no longer favours Sri Lanka – Prof. Sally
Razeen Sally comments on the need of fiscal consolidation in Sri Lanka
Media Mention
Credibility of a budget and the minister in charge
Razeen Sally on Sri Lanka’s budget in the Sunday Times
Media Mention
Sri Lanka better off with currency board: Sally
Razeen Sally comments on Sri Lanka’s currency board
Thoughts on the Budget and what comes next
Razeen Sally on Sri Lanka's recent budget and what comes next with market reforms
Why Global Order Still Needs America in Asia
Razeen Sally on why global order and Asia still need the US in Australia's Quadrant
State of the State
Cover story interview with Razeen Sally in Sri Lanka's LMD Magazine
Asia still needs America
Razeen Sally on why Asia still needs US leadership in Nikkei Asian Review
Book or Paper
The Case for Trade and Competitiveness
Razeen Sally co-wrote a new World Economic Forum report on Trade and Competitiveness
Book or Paper
Ordoliberalism and the social market: classical liberalism from Germany
A chapter from 'Classical Liberalism and International Economic Order' translated into Italian in 'Occasional Paper' of IBL
Book or Paper
China’s trade policy post WTO accession
Paper presented at Oxford conference on The Microeconomic Drivers of Growth in China
Book or Paper
Fighting the Urge for Protectionism
Razeen Sally and Fredrik Erixon warns for rising protectionism in the Far Eastern Economic Review
Speech or Presentation
Asian capitalism and what it means for the West
Razeen Sally on Asian capitalism and what it means for the West at the World Affairs Council, Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA
Speech or Presentation
Remembering the Tunku
Razeen Sally gives keynote address on Malaysia, globalisation and economic freedom at IDEAS Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
Speech or Presentation
Capitalism in Asia: Economic Growth and Inequality
Keynote address at Economic Freedom Network Asia conference, Hong Kong
Speech or Presentation
The Eurozone Crisis and Its Impact on Asia
ISEAS Annual Regional Outlook Forum, Singapore, January 2013