Emily Rees
Mobile: +32 (0)472 927 751
Areas of Expertise: European Union EU Single Market EU Trade Agreements Agriculture WTO and Globalisation Latin America
Emily Rees is a former Senior Fellow at ECIPE and Managing Director at Trade Strategies, a trade and regulatory advisory consultancy.
A Franco-British national, Emily comes from an extensive career in trade policy and economic diplomacy, having led Brazil’s trade and investment agency relations with the European Union and served as Deputy Trade Attaché of France to Brazil.
An economist by training, Emily’s expertise lies at the intersection of trade, sustainability and agriculture. Her areas of interest include “new generation” trade issues including animal welfare, anti-microbial resistance, environmental food standards and values in trade.
A regular guest lecturer in international political economy, her analyses are regularly featured in European and Latin America media, including The Economist, BBC, Sky News, LN24, Valor Econômico and Estado de São Paulo.
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Has the Fairest Clauses of Us All? Stress-testing the Application of Mirror Clauses to Pesticides
In less than six months, ‘mirror clauses’ have taken EU trade policy by storm. To inject ‘reciprocity’ in trading terms, the French Presidency of the Council is proposing that imported food and feed be produced under the exact same sanitary, phytosanitary, welfare and environmental standards as those imposed on domestic products within the European Union. The international trade rulebook is both complex and yet relatively straightforward in ensuring that...
Media Mention
EU-Brazil relations set to change following Lula victory
In the wake of the Presidential elections in Brazil, Emily Rees speaks with Euronews on what next for the EU-Mercosur trade deal.
Media Mention
EU Deforestation Product Ban: a New Compliance Burden for Developing Countries
Emily Rees comments on the EU deforestation product ban
Media Mention
Brexit reality bites? The new dawn of trade friction
Emily Rees comments on the effects of a skinny EU-UK trade deal on trade in food and agricultural products
Media Mention
Trade Tit-for-Tat with Emily Rees
Emily Rees answers three blunt questions in the Financial Time's Tit-for-Tat
Mirror clauses: EU needs to be collaborative with trading partners
Emily Rees sat down with Borderlex's Robert Francis to shed some light on mirror clauses, and why they stir such controversy.
What’s in the new EU-UK trade deal? Brexperts explain
Emily Rees and David Henig discuss the EU-UK trade deal in Trade Talks podcast
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Speech or Presentation
With a Little Help From my WTO-Friends: Dealing with Unconventional Trade Measures in a Post-Pandemic Reality
Emily Rees points to the exemption becoming the rule as WTO members increasingly introduce unilateral trade-restricting measures.
Speech or Presentation
WTO Public Forum: Looking at WTO agreements and beyond to support business recovery. Can the WTO help to tackle illicit trade?
Emily Rees moderated a discussion on WTO agreements
Speech or Presentation
Realising Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade
Emily Rees presents the distinction between a trade policy consistent with fundamental values and the projection of EU moral principles onto trading partners
Speech or Presentation
30 years of Mercosur: Significance and Prospects
Emily Rees presents the Mercosur integration process and prospects for ratification of the trade deal with the European Union for the Polish Institute of International Affairs