Andreas Freytag
Office: +49 3641 943 251 Mobile: +49 178 6865 669
Areas of Expertise: European Union EU Trade Agreements Eurozone Crisis WTO and Globalisation Africa

Andreas Freytag is a Senior Fellow of ECIPE and a Professor of Economics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and Honorary Professor at the University of Stellenbosch. He is also Director of Tutwa Germany (, a Senior Research Fellow at ECIPE, Brussels, and a Senior Research Associate at SAIIA, Johannesburg; he is associated to the G8 Research Group at the University of Toronto.
Freytag has obtained his diploma from the University of Kiel, his doctorate as well his Habilitation from the University of Cologne. Prior to his appointment in Jena, he worked at the Kiel Institute for World Economics, the University of Cologne, Cambridge University (as Visiting Scholar), and the Eesti Pank, Tallinn, Estonia. He has been consultant for the EU-Commission, the OECD, the IMF and various public and private clients.
Freytag was a member of the executive board of the European Public Choice Society from 2006 to 2009 and SAIIA’s Bradlow Fellow 2008. He has published a number of books and articles in first-class peer-reviewed journals on economic policy, international trade policy, development economics and international policy coordination. He contributes to blogs and has a weekly column on wiwo-online, a German magazine.
ECIPE Policy Briefs
That Chinese “juggernaut” – Should Europe Really Worry about its Trade Deficit with China?
China’s exchange-rate policy has been under attack in the last years, especially in the United States. Now the critique of Beijing’s policy is coming from Europe as well, and Chinese authorities are accused of boosting its own export, at others expense, by keeping its currency below its real value. At the centre of the European criticism has been the link between China’s allegedly undervalued currency European Union’s soaring bilateral trade deficit with...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
The Rome Treaty at 50
In March, 2007, the Treaty of Rome celebrates its 50th anniversary. The chief lesson from this remarkable period of European cooperation is the contribution to growth and prosperity from economic integration. The common commercial policy that emerged from this treaty has had a significant impact on European economic development. Equally important, regional liberalisation in Europe spurred multilateral trade liberalisation under the auspices of the GATT and the...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Germany and the G-8 Presidency
Germany’s G-8 Presidency occurs in a formative period for German foreign economic policy. It is about to step out of the post-Cold War order, but has not yet found a comprehensive strategy for global engagement. Hitherto Germany has had a flexible approach to its G-8 Presidency and neglected to form a decisive agenda that fits the G-8 structure of a limited membership. Furthermore, Germany has not been inclined to use its Presidency to link its foreign...
ECIPE Working Papers
Debt Relief and Changing Governance Structures in Developing Countries
In this paper we empirically discuss the question whether or not debt relief in the past fifteen years has been economically rational. Analysing the determinants of debt relief our results suggest that governance quality did not play a role in the decision of creditor countries to forgive debt in the 1990s. Furthermore, even the actual debt burden of highly indebted poor countries had not been crucial for the decision whether or not debt forgiveness was granted....
Media Mention
Vierteljahresheft liberal 2/2011
Andreas Freytag and Valentin Zahrnt comment on the European trade strategy
Media Mention
Debt Relief and Financial Crisis
Andreas Freytag and Gernot Pehnelt about the financial crisis and debt relief in VoxEU
Media Mention
Business drops the Doha ball
ECIPE scholars Fredrik Erixon and Andreas Freytag discuss the role of business in the Doha round
Media Mention
The G-8 Summit and the world economy
Fredrik Erixon and Andreas Freytag about the G-8 summit and its "leitmotif" in the Frankfurter Allgemein Zeitung
THE TRIPARTITE: What to expect from Africa’s grand free trade area
Matthias Bauer and Andreas Freytag shed light on the prospects for Africa’s grand free trade area in World Commerce Review
Wirtschaftsverfassung statt Wirtschaftsregierung
Andreas Freytag and a group of German economist in the Jena Alliance called in FAZ for a re-orientation of European economic policy
Handelspolitik im Griff der Interessen
Andreas Freytag and Razeen Sally on the trade and the world economy in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
After the “Seoul Consensus”: Ways to help sub-Saharan Africa return to pre-crisis economic performance
Peter Draper, Andreas Freytag, Matthias Bauer 16 April 2011 in VOX
Book or Paper
The Dynamics of Structural Change – The EU’s Trade with China
Jena Economic Papers
Book or Paper
Whither the G8?
Europe's World
Book or Paper
South Africa’s Current Account Deficit: Are Proposed Cures Worse than the Disease?
Trade Policy Report by Peter Draper and Andreas Freytag published by CEPR
Book or Paper
Global Financial Crisis, Protectionism, and Current Account Deficits: South Africa on the Brink?
University Jena Working Papers on Global Financial Markets Nr 8
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