Lessons from the pandemic for trade cooperation in digital services
Erik van der Marel contributes to the CEPR eBook on Revitalising Multilateralism in...
La ingenuidad de Europa
Oscar Guinea writes an op-ed in El País about EU open strategic autonomy and Europe's perceived...
As Covid-19 surges across Europe, countries fear drug shortages
Oscar Guinea comments in NBC News on potential shortages of medical products and supply...
Online Platform Restrictiveness
Erik van der Marel and Martina Ferracane publish on online platform trade restrictiveness in The World...
Can The WTO Be Saved? Steps For A Non-Trade Moment
Frank Lavin writes in Forbes about the future of the WTO. The essay is drawn from his an Oscar Guinea ECIPE paper “Learning to Love Trade Again”...
RFI – Journal – Challenges for the new DG of the WTO (in Spanish)
Oscar Guinea speaks to Radio France International (Spanish) about the challenges awaiting WTO's new...
Globalisation or how to survive a Zombie attack
Oscar Guinea writes for EL País about how globalisation has been a force for good in the world's struggle against Covid-19. (in...
Pulsos que Carcomen a la OMC
Oscar Guinea comments in El País about the future of the WTO and the international trading...