Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Time to Go Back to the Drawing Board
This Policy Brief takes stock of the global and European trade and carbon-emission effects from CBAM. It argues that the current design of the CBAM...
Biofuels Reform in the European Union: Why New ILUC Rules will Reinforce the WTO Inconsistency of EU Biofuels Policy
This paper takes stock of the proposals by the European Commission and members of the European Parliament to amend the Renewable Energy Directive...
The Quest for Gas Market Competition
More, not less, competition in the EU’s gas markets is required to achieve a Single Market and to therefore reduce Europe’s vulnerability to gas...
Europe’s Energy Dependency and Russia’s Commercial Assertiveness
Europe is dependent on Russia for its energy supply and finds itself at odds with designing a policy that addresses its rising number of concerns...
Russian Commercial Policies and the European Union – Can Russia be Anchored in a Legal International Economic Order?
Can Russia be brought to abide by international commercial rules? In ECIPE’s new Working Paper, Iana Dreyer and Brian Hindley discuss the isolation...
Kazakhstan and the World Economy: An Assessment of Kazakhstan’s Trade Policy and Pending Accession to the WTO
Kazakhstan has been negotiating accession to the WTO for twelve years, following a line of ex-Soviet states seeking membership. In this new,...