South South Trade in Goods
The empirical analysis presented in this paper indicates that trade between developing countries (South-South trade) offers a wide scope for...
Estimating Price Elasticities of Supply for Cotton: A Structural Time-Series Approach
The Kalman Filter is used to estimate a structural time-series model of cotton supply for 30 countries and 16 aggregated regions. Estimated...
Debt Relief and Changing Governance Structures in Developing Countries
In this paper we empirically discuss the question whether or not debt relief in the past fifteen years has been economically rational. Analysing the...
FTAs and the Prospects for Regional Integration in Asia
Trade policy in Asia has switched from non-discriminatory unilateral liberalisation, reinforced by GATT/WTO commitments, to discriminatory FTAs....
The Impact of US Subsidies on the World Cotton Market: A Reassessment
Following a critical review of the existing quantitative literature on cotton subsidies, a vector autoregression (VAR) is used to model the...
Market Power in International Commodity Processing Chains: Preliminary Results from the Coffee Market
Vector autoregressions are used to model price transmission through the coffee processing chain, from producers to the world market and from the...