Public Support for Trade Policy
Public opinion data suggests that people on both sides of the Atlantic are committed to free trade in principle, but advocate protection...
The Multilateralism Conundrum: International Economic Relations in the Post-hegemonic Era
Examining the systemic malaise from which the Doha Development Round and the WTO suffer, this working paper, produced for the Transatlantic Task...
FUTURE-PROOFING WORLD TRADE IN TECHNOLOGY: Turning the WTO IT Agreement (ITA) into the International Digital Economy Agreement (IDEA)
Despite being an agreement designed for the fastest developing sectors, the signatories of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) in the World...
Digital Authoritarianism: Human Rights, Geopolitics and Commerce
Online censorship is about to take centre stage in the campaign to improve conditions for human rights, cyber security and commercial freedom of...
Indian Trade Policy After the Crisis
India, like China, had a “good” crisis; both have spearheaded exuberant post-crisis recovery in emerging markets. A combination of stable...
Chinese Trade Policy After (Almost) Ten Years in the WTO: A Post-Crisis Stocktake
China’s trade policy has shifted in the near-decade since it joined the WTO, argues Razeen Sally in a new study. It behaves more like a very...
Is the Renminbi Undervalued? The Myths of China’s Trade Surplus and Global Imbalances
Alarmed by the persistent and large US trade deficit vis-à-vis China and the rapidly swelling Chinese foreign exchange reserves, influential US...
Sub-Saharan African Cotton Policies in Retrospect
Calls for liberalizing cash crop sectors in sub-saharan Africa have been voiced for decades. Yet, the impact of reforms remains elusive in...