EU’s green rules clash with trade goals as India talks resume
Oscar Guinea comments in Bloomberg about the latest EU trade policy agreements and defensive trade instruments (behind...
Union européenne cherche partenaires commerciaux
Oscar Guinea comments in L'Opinion about the EU's attempts to negotiate and close trade agreements (in French and behind the...
Europe resumes its historical hunt for precious metals in Latin America
Oscar Guinea and Vanika Sharma's study on Critical Raw Materials cited in the Financial...
Strength Through Unity
Oscar Guinea writes an opinion piece in El País about the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and what it needs to happen for the agreement to be...
Building a competitive Europe
Fredrik Erixon discusses competitiveness and economic reforms at Euractiv...
The impacts of EU Strategic Autonomy: How Member States should respond
Matthias Bauer arguing that achieving EU Strategic Autonomy critically relies on achieving a much more integrated continental market and policies...
The impacts of EU Strategic Autonomy: How Member States should respond
Matthias Bauer arguing that achieving EU Strategic Autonomy critically relies on achieving a much more integrated continental market and policies...
Liberal Sweden put to the test as transatlantic trade war looms
Fredrik Erixon interviewed in Politico about trade and the Swedish EU...