World Development Report on Internet for Development
Human Rights Watch quotes ECIPE research on Russia data localisation "which will make it easier for the government to obtain sensitive personal data...
Neutralizing Geography: The Role of ICT
Erik van der Marel holds a presentation at the European University Institute as part of the Trade Policy Research Network on the role of ICT in...
Manufacturing the future: Industry 4.0
Martina F. Ferracane's presentation at ECIPE Seminar "How to Accelerate the Expansion of the Digital Economy?" on 15th...
Produkowanie przyszłości: Przemysł, wersja 4.0
Martina F. Ferracane's blog "Manufacturing the future: Industry 4.0" published at GoDigitalEU (in...
Technology and Patents: The Imbalances in Europe
Rositsa Georgieva and Hosuk Lee-Makiyama's article on EU and US patent reforms in the digital age, World Economics, Spring...
What The U.S. Can Learn From The EU’s Patent Mistakes
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama in the opinion page of Forbes on patent reforms in the tech...
Who in Europe is successful in exporting in digital sectors?
Erik van der Marel writes column in The Digital Post on digital services...
The internet is not that special
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama interviewed by Netopia on the idea of a "European Digital...