中企对欧投资:热点盲点对撞 [Investing in Europe: hot spots, blind spots]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on Chinese acquisitions of EU firms in People's Daily and all major print media (via...
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama Top 20 influencers for open internet
The Guardian (UK) nominates Hosuk Lee-Makiyama for Top 20 most influential people for open...
稀土爭端問答歐洲智庫 (Rare earth dispute, Q&A with EU think tank)
Xinhua and CNC TV News interview Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on rare earth, green protectionism and EU-China...
网络审查与国际贸易法 (Internet Censorship and International Trade Law)
环球法律评论 (Global Law Review), China Academy of Social Sciences, April...
Now an ICT plurilateral?
Washington Trade Daily reports on EU Commission proposing IDEA (conceived by Hosuk Lee-Makiyama)...
“More on Services”, plurilateral agreement on services
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama and Amb Michael Punke in Washington Trade Daily on ECIPE/ESF Seminar on Services in Brussels. March 6th,...
The Twilight of Soft Mercantilism: Europe and Foreign Economic Power
Paper presented at ISDP conference in Beijing, July...
Trade in the era of digital revolution
Presentation: Parliamentary conference on the WTO, Geneva 11-12 September,...
EU Trade Patterns and the Role of Turkey
Presentation at IKV/Yeditepe in May...
EU-Asia trade relations and FTAs
Presentation at the European Policy Centre, Brussels, October 6th 2008. Presentation at the University of Gothenburg, October 9th...