Latest Publications
Foreign Direct Investment in Countries with Weak Institutions
The FDI behavior of a MNE facing a weak institutional environment in the host country is analyzed. Red tape can be strategically reduced by...
Trade, Globalisation and Emerging Protectionism Since the Crisis
The global economic crisis, and governments’ responses to the crisis, did not precipitate a descent into 1930s-style protectionism. That is a...
The Special Safeguard Fiasco in the WTO: The Perils of Inadequate Analysis and Negotiation
The July 2008 attempt by a group of ministers to agree on modalities for the WTO’s Doha Round broke down in part because they could not agree on a...
Regional Economic Integration in Asia: The Track Record and Prospects
This is the season for regional-integration initiatives in Asia. There is talk of region-wide FTAs, and there are east-Asian initiatives on financial...
The Common Agricultural Policy and the French, EU and Global Economies
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and EU membership have undergone big changes under the 2003 reforms. This has changed the incentives faced by...
Productivity of India’s Offshore Outsourcing Sector: Business-based Evidence
Following on an earlier paper discussing the sustainability of India's comparative advantage in IT offshore outsourcing, the authors pursue their...
Distribution of Agricultural Support: Selected French Evidences
This paper examines the French distribution of agricultural direct payments. It makes clear the institutional channels which aim at redistributing a...