Latest Publications
The Case Against Europe’s 2020 Agenda
The European Union has set out a new strategy for growth and competitiveness. A successor to the Lisbon agenda, the 2020 strategy aims to usher...
Thinking beyond Basel III: Necessary solutions for capital and liquidity
In previous studies, the OECD has identified the main hallmarks of the crisis as too-big-to-fail institutions that took on too much risk, insolvency...
The Political Economy of Liberalising Air Transport in APEC: Regulatory Aspects and Negotiating Options
This study examines the role of regulation and remedial policies for the successful liberalisation of the air transport sector in the Asia Pacific...
Preferential Agreements in Maritime Transport The Current and the Outdated
Every service market is very particular, with respect to its organization, rule-making, impediments to trade, and the degree of liberalization...
Climate Change and Trade Policy: From Mutual Destruction to Mutual Support
Contrary to what is still often believed, the climate and trade communities have a lot in common: a common problem (a global “public good”)...
The Political Economy of EU Anti-Dumping Reform
In this paper, we provide a political economy account of the European Union’s failed attempt to reform its anti-dumping legislation between 2006...