Les Etats-Unis, une démocratie «imparfaite»
Erik van der Marel comments on the loss of confidence in democratic institutions around the...
Book review: “Constructing European Union Trade Policy. A Global Trade Policy”
Erik van der Marel's review on Gabriel Siles-Brugge's new...
“Fed Up”
Report on India & WTO by Lee-Makiyama, Macyra, van der Marel quoted in the Rushford Report...
Cross Border Data Flows: Could Foreign Protectionism Hurt U.S. Jobs
US House of Congress, Committee on Energy and Commerce quotes study by Bauer, Lee-Makiyama, van der Marel,...
Economy Report
Erik van der Marel comments on the establishment of the New Development Bank set up by the BRICS countries at Xinhua New...
US-Europe trade agreement indicates challenge for Brazil
Erik van der Marel comments on EU-US Trade Agreement in BBC...
Quand Nicolas Sarkozy promeut un patriotisme économique européen…
Erik van der Marel on Sarkozy's "Buy American Act" in...