Latest Publications
Seminar Report: Cultural Industries: Pivoting to Asia?
A report from a seminar organised under the ECIPE-AKS Project: Cultural Industries in the World: Korea, the “Game Changer” The last...
The Effect of Screen Quotas and Subsidy Regime on Cultural Industry: A Case Study of French and Korean Film Industries
There are voices in France advocating for a Korean-type screen quota system, seen as a key ingredient in Korean films’ success, and voices...
Les Fonds Souverains de Brevets (FSB) :Un nouvel instrument de défense commerciale?
La prolifération des fonds souverains de brevets (FSB) fait peu débat alors même qu’il existe une demande croissante en faveur de règles, au...
Sovereign Patent Funds (SPFs): Next-generation Trade Defence?
While there is an increasing demand for a discipline in the next generation FTAs that restricts SOEs in international trade, there is less debate on...
The French Audiovisual Policy: An Evaluation
The two last years have witnessed a hot debate in France on whether the current French audiovisual policy has had a positive or a negative impact on...
La politique audiovisuelle française: a bout de souffle
Ces deux dernières années, la France a connu un vif débat sur l’impact de la politique audiovisuelle actuelle sur le rayonnement de la culture...
The Japan-EU Negotiations on Railway
Despite major advancements in the Japan-EU FTA (JEUFTA) negotiations, the talks remain difficult in the railway sector. These difficulties flow...
Openness in Public Procurement Markets: Time for a Reality Check
The European Parliament hearings on the Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation establishing rules on the access of third countries’ goods and...