Latest Publications
Work for Others, not Yourself: Globalisation, Protectionism and Europe’s Quest for Strategic Autonomy
Protectionism and mercantilism are yet again at the centre of global economic policy. “America First” is the guiding ethos in a good part of US...
Europas Streben nach Technologiesouveränität: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und die Europäische Union
In den vergangenen Monaten wurden von einigen führenden Europapolitikern Strategien zur Erreichung einer sog. „europäischen...
Europe’s Quest for Technology Sovereignty: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Covid-19 and its broader implications have highlighted the importance of Europe’s digital transformation to ensure Europeans’ social and economic...
The Role of Trade Policy in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture
There is now a long history of countries improving sustainability standards in most parts of the economy while at the same time pursuing the...
Standing Up for Competition: Market Concentration, Regulation, and Europe’s Quest for a New Industrial Policy
After the failed merger of Alstom and Siemens – the two giants of Europe´s railway manufacturing sector – the French and the German governments...
Cooperation in Europe’s Digital Economy: How do Countries Position Themselves?
Members of the European Union have different positions on matters of digital openness, and those differences typically reflect how the digital sector...
The Next Steps for the Digital Single Market: From Where do We Start?
Digitization has been a boon to the European economy. However, the Digital Single Market remains an aspiration rather than a reality, and European...
The Swiss Cheese of Trade Policy: The Case Against Product Exclusions in Trade Agreements
There have been calls to exclude certain products from trade agreements because they cause damages to public health or the environment. Lately,...
Win-Win – Warum von der Globalisierung Unternehmen und Verbraucher profitieren
Globalisierung steigert den Output der westlichen Volkswirtschaften Globalisierung ermöglicht die Spezialisierung von Unternehmen. Dadurch steigt...
Les bienfaits économiques de la mondialisation pour les entreprises et les consommateurs
La mondialisation a stimulé la production dans l'économie occidentale La mondialisation a permis aux entreprises de se spécialiser et...