Gov. Patent Pools a New Protectionism
Politico Pro reviews paper by Hosuk Lee-Makiyama and Patrick Messerlin (subscription required)
Forged Economics: Pigs Can fly to the Moon?
Penize (Czech) profiles Hosuk Lee-Makiyama and TTIP
Państwa przed sądem? Czego obawiamy się w umowie handlowej z USA (States in court? The concerns of a trade agreement with the US)
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on ISDS and TTIP in Wyborcza Business
EU’s Leaked Services Offer for TTIP Seen As Possible Complication in Negotiations
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on TTIP exchange of services offers for Bloomberg BNA (subscription required)
Państwa przed sądem? Czego obawiamy się w umowie handlowej z USA [States in court? Our concerns in a trade agreement with the US]
Wyborcza (Polish) interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on TTIP and ISDS
New INTA Committee will be business as usual, says ECIPE Director
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on the new members of the trade committee in the European Parliament
De Gucht’s legacy: Mixed blessing
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama assess the legacy of Commissioner De Gucht in Europolitics
The ICT Globalisation Index
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama interviewed for The Economist ICT Globalisation Index Report
Russia’s allegations could disrupt system
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on Russia in the WTO in Politico (subscription required)
中国就WTO稀土争端案提出上诉 [China to appeal WTO Rare Earth dispute]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama contributes in 21st Century Business Herald on WTO rare earth dispute