Patrick Messerlin

Patrick Messerlin is Chairman of ECIPE’s Steering Committee/Advisory Board, Professor emeritus of economics at Sciences Po Paris, and Director of Groupe d’Economie Mondiale (GEM) at Sciences Po since its creation in 1997. GEM is an independent research unit seeking to improve the performance of French and European public policies in a global world.
From 1986 to 1990, Patrick Messerlin was a Senior Economist at the Research Department of the World Bank. In 1990, he joined Sciences Po as a Professor of economics. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Houston (Texas, USA), Simon Fraser University (British Columbia, Canada), Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität (Frankfurt Am Main, Germany) and Keio University (Tokyo, Japan). He has written many books and articles on his areas of expertise.
In 2001-2002, Patrick Messerlin was a special advisor to Mike Moore, the WTO Director General. He also served as a member of the Preparatory Conference to the G7-G8 Summits (a group of independent persons gathered by the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Tokyo Foundation). In 2003-2005, he co-chaired with Ernesto Zedillo, Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalisation, the Task Force on “Trade for Development” for the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. In 2008-2011, he also co-chaired with Ernest Zedillo the joint World Bank & UK Department for International Development Task Force on Global Finance and Trade Architecture. In 2009-2012, he was a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Trade Council, which he chaired in 2010-2011. During all these years, he has been a consultant to many international organizations, governments and firms.
Korea Project
La K-pop : des formules inedites couronnees de succes
On affirme souvent que la culture doit être protégée et préservée, et qu’il doit en être de même pour les produits culturels. Cependant, l’émergence internationale de la musique pop coréenne ou K-pop raconte une histoire bien différente – celle d’une industrie qui a su saisir au vol toutes les opportunités offertes par la mondialisation et l’arrivée du numérique comme nouveau vecteur culturel. De plus, l’exercice stratégique des droits...
Korea Project
The Impact of Subsidies on Film Quality: Empirical Evidence from France, Korea, the United Kingdom, and United States
There is a widespread belief that the higher the level of subsidies, the better the performance of film industries (both in quantity and quality). This article focuses on film quality—evaluated by audiences and critics—and scrutinizes this assumption through four selected countries—France, Korea, UK, and US. The main findings of this article are summarized through two points. First, despite the Korean film industry receiving the lowest level of public...
Korea Project
Sur le succès du cinéma coréen
Depuis quelques années, films et séries télévisées coréens connaissent des succès mondiaux, comme en témoignent Parasite (2019), Squid Game (2021) et Decision to Leave (2022) ainsi que la reconnaissance dont jouissent, par exemple, les acteurs Youn Yuh- Jung et Song Kang-Ho. Ces succès sont souvent perçus comme des cas exceptionnels reflétant les qualités individuelles des réalisateurs et des acteurs. Ils sont rarement com- pris pour ce qu’ils sont...
Korea Project
Screen monopoly and diversity: a comparative study between the Korean and French film industries
In recent years, there have been many voices in Korea arguing that a few commercially successful films take up the opportunities for the exhibition of other films and thus limit the selection of titles available for moviegoers, a trend dubbed the “screen monopoly”. In seeking a solution, a number of scholars have looked to the anti-screen monopoly “regulations” in France, but without providing rigorous or persuasive evidence. By comparing the appropriate...
Media Mention
International Diplomacy in the Era of Permacrisis: Competing Worldviews
The study "The Tragedy of International Organizations in a World Order in Turmoil" by Jean-Jacques Hallaert with the support of Patrick A. Messerlin is referenced in the book "Global Political Economy, Geopolitics and International Security".
Media Mention
La vague sud-coréenne “Hallyu” et les leçons pour la France et le Vietnam
Patrick Messerlin and Jimmyn Parc comment on 'Hallyu' in the Vietnamese news paper
Media Mention
Panneaux solaires : quand l’agressivité commerciale des chinois révèle les contradictions des européens
Le Nouvel Economiste quotes Hosuk Lee-Makiyama and Patrick Messerlin on the EU-China solar panel dispute
Media Mention
Scholars Urge Rethink about FTA with Taiwan
Comments by Fredrik Erixon and Patrick Messerlin in Focus Taiwan
In Search of an Effective Trade Policy for the Film Industry: Lessons from Korea
Paper written by Jimmyn Parc and Patrick Messerlin and published in the Journal of World Trade in October, 2018 (Online publish in Sept. 2018).
Railways derailing EU-Japan talks?
Patrick Messerlin writes on EU-Japan trade talks in EurActiv
Trade, Europe, Korea and the World Economy
Patrick Messerlin interviewed by Arirang TV about trade
The much-needed EU pivot to East Asia
Patrick Messerlin on EU-Asia relations in
Book or Paper
The K-pop Wave: An Economic Analysis
GSIS Seoul National University - Sciences Po policy brief, July 1st, 2013
Book or Paper
The Domestic Political Economy of Preferential Trade Agreements
in: David Kleimann (ed.), EU Preferential Trade Agreements: Commerce, Foreign Policy, and Development Aspects, Ebook, EUI Global Governance Programme, 2013
Book or Paper
The Much Needed EU Pivot to East Asia
Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies
Book or Paper
The dynamics of transatlantic negotiations in services
Economic policy paper series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States , Washington, USA
Speech or Presentation
Presentation: Sur le succès des industries culturelles coréennes
Ce power-point est associé au podcast suivant disponible sur le site de l’INALCO.
Speech or Presentation
Seminar Report – Cultural Industries: Pivoting to Asia?
Seminar on ECIPE-AKS Project : Cultural Industries in the World: Korea, the “Game Changer”, Brussels 7 December 2015
Speech or Presentation
How to keep busy the WTO when preferential trade agreements are fashionable
Seminar at Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taiwan WTO Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Speech or Presentation
Rethinking Taiwan-EU Trade Relations: Economic reforms underway in 2012
Keynote speaker at the Taipei World Trade Center Club, Taipei, Taiwan