Episode 108: Sin Arancel de por Medio – The New ECIPE Podcast for Spanish-speaking and Latin American Audiences with Oscar Guinea and Renata Zilli
Fredrik Erixon introduces a special episode of ECIPE's Global Economy Podcast to announce the new ECIPE podcast designed for Spanish-speaking and Latin American audiences: Sin Arancel de por...
Episodio 2: El Rol de América Latina ante Trump 2.0 y el Nuevo Orden Internacional con José Juan Ruiz
En este episodio de Sin Arancel de por Medio, Oscar Guinea y Renata Zilli abordan los desafíos y estrategias de América Latina frente al regreso de Donald Trump a la presidencia de EE.UU, junto a...
Tráiler: Bienvenidos a Sin Arancel de por Medio con Oscar Guinea y Renata Zilli
Sin Arancel de por Medio es el pódcast de ECIPE, presentado por Oscar Guinea y Renata Zilli, dirigido a nuestras audiencias hispanohablantes y latinoamericanas. Cada episodio aborda los temas más...
Beyond Fear: The EU-Mercosur Agreement and European Agriculture
This blog post is based on an article published in El País on the 19th of January 2025 with María C. Latorre and Isabel Pérez del Puerto. The original article can be found here. On the 6th of...
Compulsory Licensing of IP-protected Drugs: Colombia’s Panacea for Access to Better Healthcare Services?
On 30 May 2018, Colombia joined the OECD as the group’s 37th member. Prior to the country’s accession, the Colombian government implemented a number of reforms aimed at modernising its economy...