Promoting a “GVCs for LDCs” Approach: The Case of Digital Certification for Organic Products
As in any other day of the year, billions of people around the world woke up on the 1st of October and started their daily routine with a cup of coffee. Except that on that day - the International...
The (Cyber) Security of Global Supply Chains: Is this a Blind Spot for Industry 4.0?
We hear a lot these days about the need to guarantee the security of global supply chains (GVCs) across a number of critical sectors. This is most visible in the automotive industry. Car...
Episode 39: Re-shoring and the end of globalisation with Maria Sokolova
Covid-19 turned the world upside down. Globalisation is no longer seen as a force for good but a source of uncertainty. The second wave of Covid-19 has reignited discussions among political leaders...
Blockchain for Trade: the next gold standard or the fool’s gold?
In the movie “Gold”, a small, struggling mining entrepreneur looking for gold goes from bankruptcy to a 6 billion dollar mining empire, and then bankruptcy again. Bear with me, there is a link...