Episode 86: IP in the EU FTA’s Series: The Role of IP in Fostering Innovation and Global Competitiveness of European Industries with Jörgen Warborn
In this online conversation Jacki Davis talks to Jörgen Warborn, a Member of the European Parliament and its Committee on International Trade. They discuss the importance of...
Episode 85: Industrial Data Sharing Models and the Proposed EU Data Act with Sicco Lehmann-Brauns
In this online conversation, Matthias Bauer talks to Sicco Lehmann-Brauns, the Senior Director of Research and Innovation Policy at Siemens about the EU's proposed Data Act...
Episode 84: The Current State of EU-China Relations with Daniel Kaddik
Matthias Bauer talks to Daniel Kaddik, the Executive Director of the European Liberal Forum. They discuss EU-China political relations considering systemic political challenges, the...
Episode 83: The Long-term Effects of Technology on Economic Growth with Björn Brey
Erik van der Marel talks to Björn Brey, a post-doc researcher at the ULB Solvay Business School (ECARES) in Brussels. They discuss Björn’s recent work on "The Long-run Gains from the Early...
Episode 82: Ukrainian Economy During the War with Maria Repko
Fredrik Erixon talks to Maria Repko, a colleague in the world of think tanks and the Deputy Executive Director at the Centre for Economic Strategy, a Kyiv-based research organization. Ms Repko has...
Episode 81: IP in the EU FTA’s Series: IP to Tackle Counterfeit Goods Trade with Neil Narriman
In this online conversation, Jacki Davis talks to Neil Narriman, the President of FESI, the European Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, which supported the work on a recent ECIPE...
Episode 80: IP in the EU FTA’s Series: Intellectual Property in Services Sectors with Pascal Kerneis
In this online conversation, Jacki Davis talks to Pascal Kerneis, a Managing director of the European Services Forum - ESF, who wrote an insert for the recent ECIPE study: "The Benefits of...
Episode 79: IP in the EU FTA’s Series: The Importance of Strong IP Provisions in EU Trade Agreements with Koen Berden
In this online conversation, Jacki Davis talks to Koen Berden, Executive Director for International Affairs at EFPIA – the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, which...
Episode 78: IP in the EU FTA’s Series: Relevance of IP for the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry with Nathalie Moll
In this online conversation, Jacki Davis talks to Nathalie Moll, Director-General of EFPIA – the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, which supported the...
Episode 77: IP in the EU FTA’s Series: IP and the Sustainable Agri-food Sector with Olivier de Matos
In this online conversation, Jacki Davis talks to Olivier de Matos, the Director-General of CropLife Europe, which represents providers of innovative farm solutions. One of the...