Peter Draper
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Areas of Expertise: Regions Africa North-America WTO and Globalisation EU Trade Agreements
Peter Draper is Senior Fellow at ECIPE and Director of Tutwa Consulting, a consultancy specialising in policy and regulatory analysis with a focus on trade and investment policies in Southern African and emerging markets. He occupies a number of positions in the think tank space, including, domestically: Senior Research Fellow in the Economic Diplomacy programme at the South African Institute of International Affairs; Lecturer at Wits Business School where he has won two teaching awards; and Senior Consultant to the India, Brazil, and South Africa think tank consortium at the Centre for Development and Enterprise. His current international affiliations include: board member of the Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis; member and vice-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Global Trade and FDI. He holds a Master of Commerce degree from the University of Natal (now University of KwaZulu-Natal).
Formerly he worked for South Africa’s national department of trade and industry, in various positions: head of the Asia 2 desk; leading the establishment of bilateral trade negotiations between Mercosur and SACU; and Head of Economic Analysis and Research in the Trade Policy Division where he was responsible for advising the Department on its FTA and broader trade negotiations strategy. Subsequently he established the Development Through Trade unit at the South African Institute of International Affairs, where he worked extensively on regional economic integration in Southern and Eastern Africa, SACU’s various free trade agreement negotiations particularly with the European Union and the United States, and the World Trade Organization’s Doha Round. He has also conducted a number of consultancies on various aspects of free trade negotiations, trade and investment policy, including for the following organizations: The SACU Secretariat; the SADC Secretariat; the World Bank; the WTO; the OECD; the UK’s Department of International Development; the Australian Aid Agency; USAID; Business Unity South Africa; Business Leadership South Africa; and most recently for the ACP Secretariat where he reviewed strategic implications of the mega-regional negotiations being conducted between the US and select partners in Asia (TPP) and the US and EU (TTIP).
ECIPE Occasional Papers
Mega-regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
In the wake of the ninth WTO ministerial conference in Bali, in December 2013, there is renewed optimism that the WTO can deliver something. The time is therefore right for member states to strategically reappraise their positions in the context of their overarching domestic and regional trade strategies. Central to any appraisal is the new geopolitical reality represented by the free trade agreements (FTAs) being negotiated by the major industrial powers. Led by...
Jan Tumlir Policy Essays
EU-Africa Trade Relations: The Political Economy of Economic Partnership Agreements
For the last five years the European Union has been negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) states. These negotiations, aiming for Free Trade Agreements, are fraught with substantive problems. There is also a looming crisis. In the New Year the WTO waiver for the current shape of EU-ACP preferential trade accords will expire. The EPAs are intended to replace the current trade order, but the negotiations...
Media Mention
Trade Update
Peter Draper and Razeen Sally comment on international trade issues for South Africa's Classic FM.
Media Mention
Europe, Africa and partnership agreements: in search of a developmental agenda
Peter Draper on EU-Africa trade negotiations in the Vox
Media Mention
Trade agenda for Africa relies on governance ability
Peter Draper in FDI Magazine on EPAs
Media Mention
China-bashing no basis for policy
ECIPE Fellow Peter Draper writes in Business Day about China and taking advantage of the opportunities the Chinese manufacturing industry presents.
South Africa and the “Currency Wars”
Peter Draper takes stock in Business Day of the China’s currency peg and China-South Africa economic relations
After the “Seoul Consensus”: Ways to help sub-Saharan Africa return to pre-crisis economic performance
Peter Draper, Andreas Freytag, Matthias Bauer 16 April 2011 in VOX
The “Seoul Consensus” on development: Substantial progress for sub-Saharan Africa or paperwork again?
Peter Draper, Andreas Freytag, Matthias Bauer 15 April 2011 in VOX
What Future for Monetary Policy in Zimbabwe?
Peter Draper and Andreas Freytag on Zimbabwe currency reforms in Vox EU
Book or Paper
The Shifting Geography of Global Value Chains
Global Agenda Council on the Global Trading System, July 2012
Book or Paper
Towards a Framework of Principles for the G20
Report for the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Book or Paper
South Africa’s Current Account Deficit: Are Proposed Cures Worse than the Disease?
Trade Policy Report by Peter Draper and Andreas Freytag published by CEPR
Book or Paper
Global Financial Crisis, Protectionism, and Current Account Deficits: South Africa on the Brink?
University Jena Working Papers on Global Financial Markets Nr 8
Speech or Presentation
Mega-regional Trade Agreements and Outsiders, Particularly Africa
Presentation by Peter Draper at the ECIPE Seminar: TTIP, TPP and the Rise of Mega-Regionals - Consequences for Africa