Jan A. Micallef
Email: [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: EU Trade Agreements Africa Regions

Jan A. Micallef is a Senior Fellow at ECIPE.
His areas of specialisation are international trade in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa regions. He is also especially interested in how SMEs can harness the power of international trade agreements.
Jan studied law at the University of Malta and went on to specialise in EU and international trade law at the University of Sussex and entrepreneurship at the University of Cambridge. He was policy advisor and parliamentary assistant at the European Parliament from 2007 till 2013 and from 2013 till the end of July 2019 he was the Trade Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU, where he also led the trade team in Brussels during Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Since August 2019 Jan has been working on various projects relating to EU and international trade issues and is also engaged in working with businesses to help them find ways to grow.
Record of his publication is available here.
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Trade in the Great Sea: A Brief State of Play of EU-Southern Neighbourhood Trade Relations
The Mediterranean is a vibrant economic geography that could grow significantly. This paper reviews the trade relations between the EU and Southern Neighbourhood Countries (SNCs) – their history and the current status of the bilateral trade agreements. While these agreements have many similarities, there are also some differences in scale and scope. The paper also looks at the development of trade between the EU and SNCs and concludes that developments have...
Media Mention
Online shoppers face post-Brexit charges when buying items from UK
Jan Micallef is interviewed by the times of Malta on the effects of Brexit and online shopping
Media Mention
The Priorities of the Maltese Presidency in Trade
Jan Micallef explains the priorities of the Maltese Presidency in trade to the British Chamber of Commerce in Brussels
Media Mention
Making Best Use of Free Trade Agreements for International Business
Jan A. Micallef leads a Malta Chamber of Commerce webinar on how businesses can make the best use of trade agreements
Media Mention
HSBC Malta supports Chamber webinar on Brexit impact
Malta Business Weekly report mentioning Jan Micallef's address to the webinar aimed at deciphering the "Brexit Deal" for businesses
Mercosur in the Mediterranean: An Opportunity for Post COVID-19 Growth?
Jan Micallef's ECIPE article promoted by the Washington International Trade Association
Book or Paper
Toward Deeper Cooperation on EU-US Digital Trade
Jan A. Micallef's paper for Bertelsmann Foundation in Washington
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