Past Events
ECIPE Webinar: Industrial Policy – Is the US now Jumping on the Bandwagon?
What are the cost and consequences of industrial policy?
ECIPE Webinar: Industrial Policy – Lessons from Past Experiences
Can a new industrial policy raise industrial competitiveness?
ECIPE Webinar: What Digital Futures for Europe? Mapping Scenarios for Digital Ecosystems and Entrepreneurship
Digital success or failure - or something in between? How can Europe shape its digital future?
ECIPE Webinar: Supporting Trust and Trade Openness in Covid-19 Vaccines – What should we do?
Join us for an online discussion with Simon Evenett on trade and vaccines.
ECIPE Webinar: Europe’s Trade Strategy for the Age of Geoeconomic Globalisation
A discussion with Dr. Christian Bluth about the future of EU trade policy strategy.
ECIPE Webinar: History has Begun – The Future of America (and the Atlantic world)
America has a new president, but does it also have a new future?
ECIPE Webinar: How Can We Revive the WTO and Trade Multilateralism?
Simon Evenett will talk about how can we revive the WTO and trade multilateralism after the COVID-19 crisis.
ECIPE Webinar: Them and Us – How Immigrants and Locals can Thrive Together
Philippe Legrain talks about his new book on immigration.
ECIPE Webinar: What’s Next for Sustainability – How Can Future Trade Policies Promote Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production?
What are the likely scenarios and next steps for trade policy and sustainability, and what are their likely impacts for business in Europe?
ECIPE Webinar: Trade and Transatlantic Relations – After the US Election
Join us for a conversation with Frank Lavin about the consequences of the US election for trade and transatlantic relations.