China, EU Remain at Odds over Solar Panels
Fredrik Erixon quoted in Wall Street Journal about trade defence case on solar...
E-commerce and digital trade provisions in trade agreements
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama in the WTO Council of Services, E-commerce workshop: June 17th, 2013 (starts at...
EU trade chief feels heat in China solar dispute
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments in Financial Times on EU antidumping and CVD measures against Chinese solar panels and telecom...
科技领域应限制滥用专利权 [The ICT industry must limit patent abuses]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama's column in Economic Information Daily on FRAND and competition policy in...
欧盟多领域密集发难中国企业 [EU launch an intense attack on Chinese enterprises in many sectors]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on the solar panel case in the Economic Information Daily (JJCKB)....
IPR Lists For Trans-Atlantic Trade Deal Still Growing; Risk Of Locking In Old IPR Regimes?
IP Watch reports from European Parliament hearing on TTIP and...
Interview: Ecipe director warns against protectionist measures by established tech firms
Xinhua interviews Hosuk Lee-Makyama on the smartphone wars and patent...
What role for intellectual Property Rights in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership?
Speech by Hosuk Lee-Makiyama in a panel on IP and TTIP in the European Parliament...
EU dual case on Chinese solar panels
People's Daily and other major news publications in China quotes Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on the EU trade defence cases against Chinese solar...
綜述:歐盟改革貿易保護工具體系前景尚不明 [EU trade defence reforms with uncertain prospects]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama interviewed by People's...