More Threats to European Way of Life (part 3): Movies on Smartphones.
No rest for the wicked – after declaring war on books and taxis, it took the Hollande government less than a week to come back with a new tax on something digital. This time, the crosshair is on...
Taxis and Taxes: More “Threats” to the European Way of Life? (part II)
A couple of days before Brussels shut down for winter holidays, I was reached by an email that my op-ed on internet taxation in France and Italy is one of the most popular articles on European...
Money and Growth in the UK Economy
The recovery of the UK economy has puzzled many economists. It contradicts the views of those that have warned for a prolonged recession because of the country’s fiscal consolidation. That the...
The Health and Future of China-EU Trade Relations
I was asked by a big Chinese news agency to provide a short comment on the health of China-EU trade relations. Here it is: Trade growth between China and the European Union in the past ten years has...
Trade, Regulations and TPP
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the twelve-country trade initiative, is often billed by United States to be a “gold standard” trade agreement for the 21st Century. It should usher trade...
A Funeral l(ITA)ny for Technology Trade
It has been called the mother of all plurilaterals – or the only evidence of any trade liberalisation since the creation of the WTO. Nonetheless, the renegotiation of the Information Technology...
Spycraft or Economic Statecraft? The EU Won’t Scuttle Trade Talks with the U.S. over Espionage Allegations
(A shorter version was published on the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal on July 5th, 2013) Kissinger famously asked, “Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” – well, if the...
So Who is Eating Argentina’s Lunch Now?
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the President of Argentina, was on fire that day, almost exactly a year ago, when she introduced the bill that would enable the government to grab the...
Freeing Up Transatlantic Trade
Last week European leaders endorsed the launch of negotiations between the EU and the US over a bilateral trade agreement. Leaders said that they reiterated ”support for a comprehensive...
Rebalancing the Eurozone: The Role of Northern Fiscal Policy
By Jasper De Meyer (Intern at ECIPE) The Eurozone crisis muddles forth. Growth will be stagnant or even decline in 2012. Employment prospects remain bleak as unemployment rose by 2.6 million in the...