Latest Publications
OECD BEPS: Reconciling Global Trade, Taxation Principles and the Digital Economy
Following media reports on the low tax rates paid by some of the world’s largest multinationals, international tax reform has moved to the top of...
Can Europe Overcome its Conservatism? – Future of Europe from a Japanese Perspective
The agenda of the recent European Summit shows that the discussion is no longer dedicated entirely to the Euro crisis, and the efforts to stabilise...
Openness in Public Procurement Markets: Time for a Reality Check
The European Parliament hearings on the Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation establishing rules on the access of third countries’ goods and...
A Fibre-Rich Diet for Europe: Is the EU’s Next Generation Access Strategy Compromising on Competition?
Given the unsatisfactory deployment of fibre based Next Generation Access (NGAs) networks in the EU, the European Commission proposes in a draft...
ACTA – The Ethical Analysis of a Failure, and its Lessons
ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) was originally meant to enforce and harmonise IPR provisions in existing trade agreements within a...
FTAs and the Crisis in the European Car Industry
The crisis-struck EU finds it increasingly difficult to engage in trade negotiations with large-sized economies that would have a meaningful impact...
Industrial Policy in Europe Since the Second World War: What Has Been Learnt?
Prompted by the revival of interest in industrial policy in several European countries, this paper considers what lessons can be learned from earlier...
A Guide to CAP Reform Politics: Issues, Positions and Dynamics
CAP reform is the major bone of contention in the negotiations of the next long-term EU budget beyond 2013. In a new working paper, Valentin...
Value For Money: Getting Europe’s Trade and IPR Policy Right
Few issues in trade and international commercial policy have in the past decade provoked as much contention as intellectual property rights...