Latest Publications
Why Are Services Commitments in RTAs Stronger than in the GATS? Trade Policy Implications for TTIP
Recent studies demonstrate a clear pattern in services commitments. They show that commitments in most services RTAs around the world are stronger...
The Economics and Political Economy of Going beyond the GATS
This paper addresses the economic and political economy factors explaining why countries agree upon services commitments in regional trade agreements...
Beyond Dutch Disease: When Deteriorating Rule of Law affects Russian Trade in High-Tech Goods and Services with Advanced Economies
How does Russia’s deterioration of its rule of law in recent years affect its ability to move away from an export pattern dominated by natural...
What is Driving the Rise in Health Care Expenditures? An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Cost Disease
The last 40 years have seen a rapid increase of government expenditures on public welfare arrangements. Increasing healthcare expenditures form a...
Determinants of Comparative Advantage in Services
This paper analyzes whether and to what extent determinants of comparative advantage have explanatory power for conventional services trade. It...
Trade in Services and TFP: The Role of Regulation
What determines services TFP: Is it services trade or services‐trade regulation? To respond to this question I use four indicators of...