EU talks tough on trade in China as it looks to play defense
Oscar Guinea comments in Politico EU about Dombrovskis visit to China and the potential use of the International Procurement Initiative on the...
Quality against quantity: the challenge of the Spanish economy
Oscar Guinea writes an opinion piece in El País about the main challenge of the Spanish economy: its stagnant productivity (in Spanish and behind...
EU’s green rules clash with trade goals as India talks resume
Oscar Guinea comments in Bloomberg about the latest EU trade policy agreements and defensive trade instruments (behind...
Europe’s economy lags behind the United States
Oscar Guinea interviewed by Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo about the state of the EU economy (in...
Union européenne cherche partenaires commerciaux
Oscar Guinea comments in L'Opinion about the EU's attempts to negotiate and close trade agreements (in French and behind the...
How poor are Europeans?
Oscar Guinea is interviewed by Foljeton in relation to the ECIPE study comparing EU and US GDP per capita (in...
How hard-working US is getting rich while the UK struggles on benefits
Oscar Guinea comments on the EU and UK relative economic decline when compared to the US economy in The Telegraph (behind the...
Europeans Are Becoming Poorer. ‘Yes, We’re All Worse Off.’
ECIPE study comparing EU member states and US states GDP per capita quoted by the Wall Street...