Latest Publications
The EU Digital Markets Act: Assessing the Quality of Regulation
The proposed Digital Markets Act (DMA) is an opportunity to prevent and remedy anti-competitive conduct by large digital platforms. If the Act is...
Strategic Autonomy and Long-term Innovation Competitiveness: On the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for the Production of High-Value Medicines in the EU
Europe’s political leaders have in recent months called for “European industrial autonomy”. Notions of dependency, sovereignty and resilience...
Unintended and Undesired Consequences: The Impact of OECD Pillar I and II Proposals on Small Open Economies
Corporate tax laws vary significantly between different jurisdictions. Over the past four decades, governments globally competed for business...
Europas Streben nach Technologiesouveränität: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und die Europäische Union
In den vergangenen Monaten wurden von einigen führenden Europapolitikern Strategien zur Erreichung einer sog. „europäischen...
Discrimination, Exclusion and Environmental Harm: Why EU Lawmakers Need to Ban Freight Transport Restrictions to Save the Single Market
The EU’s Mobility Package 1 legislative proposal was once intended to improve the working conditions of truck and small-van drivers in the EU....
Europe’s Quest for Technology Sovereignty: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Covid-19 and its broader implications have highlighted the importance of Europe’s digital transformation to ensure Europeans’ social and economic...
Investment Openness in Europe: Investment Screening and Implications for EU-China Investment Relations
In the context of the proposal to establish an EU investment screening framework and the ongoing negotiations of the EU-China investment agreement,...
Online Platforms, Economic Integration and Europe’s Rent-Seeking Society: Why Online Platforms Deliver on What EU Governments Fail to Achieve
Online platforms create “more perfect” markets. Online platforms are a market-driven cure to the imperfections of the EU’s incomplete Single...
Five Questions about the Digital Services Tax to Pierre Moscovici
The European Commission has recently proposed to upend decades of international tax cooperation and introduce a new three percent tax on corporate...
Digital Companies and Their Fair Share of Taxes: Myths and Misconceptions
Some (large) EU governments are making the case for digital companies to pay “their fair share of tax”. The key underlying assumption is that...