Latest Publications
Europe in the Trumpworld: EU Trade and Security Under the New US Executive
The election of Trump into the Oval Office is much of a non-event for EU trade-policy detail, possibly even the TTIP: they have been deteriorating...
Addressing the Regulatory Divergences in the Medical Devices Sector
Medical devices are not just simple commodities. They are the result of decades of research and development and scientific advancement, and...
The Bundes Cloud: Germany on the Edge to Discriminate Against Foreign Suppliers of Digital Services
Matthias Bauer and Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comment on Germany’s new guidelines for government procurement of digital services. In this paper, the...
New Zealand: The EU’s Asia-Pacific Partnership and the Case for a Next Generation FTA
Given the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and several intra-Asian agreements, the EU is focused on large-sized free trade agreements (FTAs) to avoid...
Data Localisation in Russia: A Self-imposed Sanction
Cross-border data flows are an integral mechanism of today’s economy, impacting a country’s competitiveness and growth. All economic sectors...
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: An Accident Report
This Policy Brief is co-authored with Bob Vastine and J Bradford Jensen The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was...
Familiar Fault Lines: The Myth of EP Independence in Economic Policy-making
The Lisbon Treaty expanded the scope and depth of the European Parliament’s powers by bringing the bulk of EU legislation under the ordinary...
What if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is not a doomed initiative – and what if it will actually make inroads into modern trade problems? The...
A FRIENDLY FIRE ON ECONOMIC RECOVERY: A Methodology to Estimate the Costs of Data Regulations
This background paper describes the methodology used for the ECIPE Occasional Paper called ‘The Costs of Data Localisation: A Friendly Fire on...
Les Fonds Souverains de Brevets (FSB) :Un nouvel instrument de défense commerciale?
La prolifération des fonds souverains de brevets (FSB) fait peu débat alors même qu’il existe une demande croissante en faveur de règles, au...