Latest Publications
Trade and Logistics: A “Bali Package” for the EU
Traditionally, the concept of trade costs for shipping goods has been centred on tariffs, quotas and other policies inhibiting exporting firms from...
The Internationalization of the Renminbi and the Rise of a Multipolar Currency System
The dollar’s steady depreciation has had little impact on the official reserves of central banks. As scholars of the international monetary system...
Labour-Market Integration of Immigrants in OECD-Countries: What Explanation Fit the Data?
Using two different measures of immigrant labour-market integration (the ratio between immigrant unemployment to native unemployment, and the ratio...
What Now for EU-Ukraine Relations?
Ukraine’s decision not to sign the Association Agreement (AA) with the European Union should not have come as a surprise. Despite years of...
One Year after Russia’s WTO Accession: Time for Reform
Russia entered the World Trade Organisation (WTO) about a year ago. In September this year Russia also joined the WTO Information Technology...
A Multilateral Legal Assistance Protocol: Preventing Fragmentation and Re-territorialisation of the Internet
Ineffectual legal-assistance cooperation increasingly prompts governments to apply laws extraterritorially or to force data localisation, with dire...
A Trans-Pacific Partnership Worth its Weight in Gold – But What is Taking so Long?
A gold standard – nothing less. The expectations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership are high. TPP is central to the United States’ foreign policy...
Is E-commerce Really the Threat to European Way of Life – or did Domestic Populism Trump the Single Market?
Last week, France introduced a controversial law specifically designed to cripple Amazon to support physical bookstores. Italy is about to force...
Why Are Services Commitments in RTAs Stronger than in the GATS? Trade Policy Implications for TTIP
Recent studies demonstrate a clear pattern in services commitments. They show that commitments in most services RTAs around the world are stronger...
The Case for an EU-China Investment Agreement
Trade and investment volumes between the EU and China will continue to grow – but they will also be a source of friction and disputes. Are there...