Latest Publications
Solar Panels, Telecommunication Equipment – and the “Modernisation” of EU Trade Defence Policy
Can trade defence instruments like anti-dumping and anti-subsidy/countervailing duties be smartly used to counter government subsidies distorting the...
ACTA – The Ethical Analysis of a Failure, and its Lessons
ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) was originally meant to enforce and harmonise IPR provisions in existing trade agreements within a...
Value For Money: Getting Europe’s Trade and IPR Policy Right
Few issues in trade and international commercial policy have in the past decade provoked as much contention as intellectual property rights...
Do Stronger IPRs Deliver the Goods (and Services) in Developing Countries?
The 1990s witnessed a global wave of intellectual property rights reform. Anchored in a series of international accords, this wave resulted in...
The Political Economy of EU Anti-Dumping Reform
In this paper, we provide a political economy account of the European Union’s failed attempt to reform its anti-dumping legislation between 2006...
Antidumping in Supercomputers or Supercomputing in Antidumping? The «Cray-NEC» Case
The U.S. antidumping case in vector supercomputers – the Cray-NEC case – resulted in the imposition o the highest antidumping duties in the...
The Trade Effects of European Antidumping Policy
Anti-dumping is a favoured policy for protecting import-competing industries by raising import duties on specific foreign goods. But it is a complex...
Cause-of-injury Analysis in European Anti-dumping Investigations
WTO rules require national anti-dumping authorities to answer two questions – does the local industry display symptoms of injury? and, are these...
Anti-dumping Investigation in the EU: How does it Work?
Anti-dumping rules are flexible and open to political bias. In the past ten years, EU investigating institutions have been biased towards the...