EU-U.S. Trade Talks Are Languishing Across the Pond
MorningConsult news service interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on German pessimism on TTIP talks...
EU-U.S. trade deal in doubt as France urges end to talks
Reuters interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on Germany, France calling failure on TTIP...
Brexit: Experts shed light on what UK can and cannot do next
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama gets the final word on various EU lawyers' take on Brexit and art. 50 in EU Trade...
Mission Impossible: May kann nur verlieren [May can only lose]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama quoted on the German broadcaster...
Privacy trap awaits EU-US data-sharing pact
Duncan Robinson of the FT quotes forthcoming ECIPE study on Privacy...
Brexit: Britain’s WTO challenge looms
Financial Times interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on UK's WTO membership after...
‘Credibility of Europe’s trade policy at stake’
Politico EU speaks to Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on President Juncker's decision to hand over CETA ratification to national...
Brexit: “Massive unknowns” ahead – EU to get distracted from TTIP
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on UK trade policy after Brexit and expects phase-out of farming subsidies, advocating unilateral...
Government faces worldwide hunt for trade negotiators, experts warn
Sunday Telegraph interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on UK trade policy after Brexit...
Banking in the negative
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama speaks to the International Finance Magazine on negative interest rates and monetary policy...