Understanding the development impact of digital services trade
Erik van der Marel presents at the UNCTAD e-Commerce week in a panel together with GIZ and the World Bank.
The CPTPP and UK’s accession: What global implications? Case of services
Erik van der Marel comments on the economic rationales for the UK in joining CPTPP
Data and Services Trade: Regulatory Options for a New Globalisation
Erik van der Marel presents on data and new globalisation, including the regulatory options, for IIFT Economics Society
To Adequate or Not to Adequate? What are the Trade Effects?
Erik van der Marel presents on adequacy and digital services trade at the World Trade Forum
Digital Transformation: Standards, Taxation, and Global Governance
Erik van der Marel talks in a podcast with Rem Korteweg about standards, taxation, and global governance in the age of digital transformation for AIG Global Trade Series 2021
Revitalizing Multilateralism: Pragmatic ideas for the new DGDigital Services Trade
Erik van der Marel presents on the globalization of digital-based services
Digital Platforms & Digital Trade Restrictions
Erik van der Marel holds a Brown Bag Lunch seminar at the World Bank explaining the economic impacts of digital trade restrictions.
Data Restrictiveness and Economic Impacts
Erik van der Marel holds a presentation at the Korea-US Policy Dialogue on digital trade restrictiveness and its impact on trade, productivity and innovation.
Digital Restrictiveness and its Economic Impacts
Erik van der Marel presents in the EUI World Trade Forum 2019 in Bern
Third-country Impacts of FTAs: The Case of Services
Erik van der Marel comments on Kommerskollegium's study on third country impact of FTA regarding services.