The Draghi EU competitiveness report – the reactions
The newsletter "Congratulazioni, signore Draghi!" by Fredrik Erixon is quoted in an article by...
A Unified Capital Market for Europe
The study "If the EU was a State in the United States: Comparing Economic Growth between EU and US States" by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and Oscar...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization
The study "The Economic Benefits of Globalization for Business and Consumers" by Fredrik Erixon is referenced in an article on...
Cloud Services and Export Performance: Evidence and Implications for EU Policy
National Board of Trade Sweden cite Matthias Bauer, Fredrik Erixon and Dyuti Pandya's "The EU’s Trillion Dollar Gap in ICT and Cloud Computing...
Northern Ireland’s per-person GDP ‘similar to Poland’
The study "If the EU was a State in the United States: Comparing Economic Growth between EU and US States" by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and Oscar...
“What would be left of me?” Patient perspectives on the risks of obesity treatment: An innovative health initiative stratification of obesity phenotypes to optimise future obesity therapy (IMI2 SOPHIA) qualitative study
The study "Investing in Obesity Treatment to Deliver Significant Healthcare Savings: Estimating the Healthcare Costs of Obesity and the Benefits of...
We can’t let EU’s anti-AI rules drag us down too
The study "If the EU was a State in the United States: Comparing Economic Growth between EU and US States" by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and...
Stonkute. MMA egzaminas ir vel sprendziamas neisiskaicius i salyga
The paper "Keeping Up with the US: Why Europe’s Productivity Is Falling Behind" by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea, and Oscar du Roy is referenced in...
Economic Analysis of India-Vietnam Bilateral Trade relations
The study "The Economic Benefits of Globalization for Business and Consumers" by Fredrik Erixon is referenced in the study by Saravanan...
AB Sınırda Karbon Düzenlemesi Mekanizması’nın Lojistik Sektörüne Etkisi
The paper "The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Border Effects: How Can Europe Become a Better Neighbour?" is referenced in an...