Latest Publications
The Participation of Foreign Bidders in EU Public Procurement: Too Much or Too Little?
This policy brief examines EU public procurement data from the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) to evaluate foreign bidders’ participation and...
Trade, Jobs and Technological Change: What to Expect in the Next Five Years?
This Policy Brief explores the intertwined effects of trade and technological change (notably robotics and AI) on employment, highlighting a growing...
What Mode of Supply Will Matter the Most for the Future of Services Trade?
This Policy Brief looks at the latest trends in services trade and tries to show their importance, in its various manifestations, for virtually all...
The External Side of Europe’s Great Economic Transformation: International Trade in Services
Europe’s digital transition is starting to bear fruits. Europe’s economic landscape is becoming increasingly digital, with sectors like...
On the Importance of Placebo and Nocebo Effects in International Trade
Trade agreements are powerful drivers of global economic integration, leading to increased trade flows between countries. Usually, trade agreements...
The Gini Trade Index: What Can We Learn from A New Trade Indicator?
This Policy Brief introduces the Gini Trade Index (GTI) as a new trade synthetic key performance indicator capable of capturing the different...
The Art of the Mini-Deals: The Invisible Part of EU Trade Policy
Trade policy is usually defined by the kinds of deals it can strike. Typically, the attention is focussed either on big multilateral trade rounds or...
Trade and Competitiveness: Putting the Firm at the Centre of the Analysis
The European Commission published its communication for the long-term competitiveness of the EU. Trade and Open Strategic Autonomy were among the...
How Important are Mutual Recognition Agreements for Trade Facilitation?
Trade in the 21st century may face lower tariffs, but regulations that affect international trade in goods and services have proliferated. While...
Has Globalisation Really Peaked for Europe?
This paper builds on the recent arguments put forward by Richard Baldwin and others debunking the myth that we enter a period of de-globalisation....
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