Latest Publications
Boosting Efficiency and Quality in EU Public Services: The Need for a European Multi-Cloud-First Strategy
Unprecedented Opportunity for Public Service Modernisation EU governments have an unprecedented opportunity to unlock up to EUR 450 billion in annual...
Competitive Harmonisation: A Collaborative Framework for Intra-EU Reform and Competitiveness
Persistent legal fragmentation, compounded by the EU's 24 official languages, increases costs and legal uncertainty, deterring meaningful...
Cybersecurity at Risk: How the EU’s Digital Markets Act Could Undermine Security across Mobile Operating Systems
The EU’s fight against cybersecurity threats risks being undermined by the over-enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Article 5(4) could...
Shared Liability: The European Parliament’s Misstep in Fighting Financial Fraud
The rise in financial fraud has prompted regulatory proposals under the Payment Services Regulation in the form of a shared liability model...
Increasing Economic Opportunity and Competitiveness in the EU: The Role of Micro-Credentials
As Europe experiences rapid technological advancements driven by innovations such as automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things,...
Enhancing Technology Diffusion in the EU amid Tough Structural Challenges
To remain globally competitive, the EU must empower firms to adopt the best technology solutions available on global markets. Building on a strong...
Future-proofing the EU’s Investment Attractiveness: A Bold Reform Agenda for Competition Enforcement, Taxation and Digital Policy
Reducing the deterrent effects from EU and Member State laws in three key cross-sector policy areas – competition policy, business taxes and VAT,...
Reinventing Europe’s Single Market: A Way Forward to Align Ideals and Action
It is essential for EU institutions and Member State governments to shift their focus from the abstract concept of the "Single Market" to the...
The EU’s Trillion Dollar Gap in ICT and Cloud Computing Capacities: The Case for a New Approach to Cloud Policy
An inward-looking EU approach to cloud computing and data policies risks stifling innovation and competitiveness by promoting domestic champions at...
Time to Rethink Export Controls for Strengthened US-EU Cooperation and Global Trade Rules
The escalation of broad export controls by the US, under the guise of national security and the aim to curb technological transfers to potential...