Tengiz Pkhaladze
Email: [email protected]
Office: + (995 32) 249 75 45
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Areas of Expertise: Russia & Eurasia Regions

Tengiz Pkhaladze is a Senior Fellow at ECIPE. His research interests cover different areas, including Eastern Partnership Countries, Black Sea Region, European integration and Russian foreign policy towards the Black Sea and Eastern Partnership Countries.
Mr. Pkhaladze has a long-standing experience working in the government, civil society, think-tank and academia, mainly in areas of foreign and security policy, geopolitics, Russia and post-soviet countries, Eastern Partnership, European and Euro-Atlantic integration, institutional building and democratic development. He held senior management positions in the public service and NGO sector. He participated in the design and implementation process of Georgia’s European reforms agenda. Have a deep understanding of the state institutions and civil society, intergovernmental relations, inter-agency and CSO-Government cooperation, networking, and policymaking.
In 2014-2018 Mr. Pkhaladze served as an Advisor – Foreign Relations Secretary to the President of Georgia. Since 2019 he is an Associate Professor, Head of the BA program in Political Sciences at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs. He is currently finalizing his PhD thesis on the Russian “soft power” policy towards neighbouring countries.
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Media Mention
Parlementsverkiezingen Georgië: Gedoodverfde winnaar wil ‘voltallige oppositie afschaffen’
Tengiz Pkhaladze via De Tijd on the tense atmosphere in which the Georgian elections take place.
Media Mention
Vladimir Putin’s battle to keep Georgia in Russia’s orbit
Tengiz Pkhaladze via Financial Times on the EU's potential blame over Georgia slipping back into Russia’s orbit.
Media Mention
Georgia’s Ruling Party Tries Winning With the Kremlin’s Ukraine Rhetoric
Senior Fellow Tengiz Pkhaladze provided his thoughts on how Georgia could better advance relations with Russia backed up by strong Western partners in an article by Luke Johnson of Internationale Politik Quarterly.
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Book or Paper
Georgian Geopolitical Knot
Tengiz Pkhaladze offers an overview of political developments in Georgia and the region; highlights the interests and actions (and inactions) of foreign powers influencing the South Caucasus. The article attempts to specify and assemble the concealed and puzzling threads composing the geopolitical knot that entangles Georgia and the region.
Book or Paper
After Madrid: NATO, aspirants and enhanced opportunity partners
Publication compares the 2010 and 2022 NATO Strategic concepts for provisions raised by the partners in general, with a specific emphasis on aspirants and enhanced opportunity partners – Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Jordan, Finland, Sweden, and Ukraine.
Book or Paper
The Kremlin Playbook 3: Keeping the Faith; Georgia – “Brothers” in Faith
Study shows how the Orthodoxy and Russian Orthodox Church have become instruments of Russia's malign influence efforts in Europe.
Book or Paper
Georgia and the Black Sea Security: Opportunities for Further Cooperation
Tengiz Pkhaladze writes an article about Georgia's role in the Black Sea regional security
Speech or Presentation
Video recap: Is Georgia’s Future with Europe or Russia?
Tengiz Pkhaladze answers doubts revolving the latest Georgian elections during an event for Visegrad Insight.
Speech or Presentation
Hard-talk: The Long-Term Consequences of the Black Sea Insecurity and Crimea Militarization
Tengiz Pkhaladze comments the Black Sea security environment
Speech or Presentation
NATO PA’s Rose Roth Seminar – The South Caucasus: Old Dilemmas and New Security Challenges
Tengiz Pkhaladze presents at the NATO PA’s Rose Roth Seminar - The South Caucasus: Old Dilemmas and New Security Challenges
Speech or Presentation
Batumi International Conference: “Enduring Power of Attraction – When the EU Makes Difference”
Tengiz Pkhaladze moderates the panel discussion: "The New Transatlantic Agenda and Eastern Europe"