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Past Events

  • ECIPE Afternoon Seimar: Why did ACTA fail?

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, B-1040 Brussels
    Speakers: Professor Luciano Floridi, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
    Time: 14:00

    ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) was meant to enforce and harmonise IPR provisions in existing trade agreements within a wider group of countries, yet its implementation failed in Europe when European Parliament rejected this trade agreement earlier in July.

  • ECIPE Roundtable: Can Trade Agreements Reform Societies? with Dr. Taeho Bark, Minister for Trade, Korea

    Venue: Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Boulevard Charlemagne 11, Brussels 1000
    Speakers: Dr Taeho Bark, Minister for Trade, Korea, Philippe Legrain, Principal Advisor of Bureau of European Policy Advisers of President Barroso, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Director, ECIPE (moderator), Prof. Patrick Messerlin, Sciences Po, Paris & ECIPE, Prof. Alan Winters, former Chief Economist, Dept of International Development (DFID) of UK government & Univ. of Sussex
    Time: 14:00

    While trade agreements are motivated by better access to export markets, they are also catalysts for necessary domestic reforms to improve competitiveness. However, there is no shortage of critics who object to reforms or increased foreign imports and workers at home, especially in a time of crisis.

  • ECIPE Briefing Seminar: Subsidies, Trade Wars, and Megaphone Diplomacy

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, B-1040 Brussels
    Speakers: Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
    Time: 12:30

    This summer saw a meltdown of the trade diplomacy between the EU, China and the US over trade defence. One particular contagious topic was state subsidies - and the use of countervailing duties against them. The debate led to a very public display of discord amongst the EU leadership, while the never-ending spat over subsidies to Airbus and Boeing turned into a transatlantic soap opera.

  • ECIPE Conference: The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Quest for a 21st Century Trade Agreement

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, B-1040 Brussels
    Speakers: Deborah Elms, Head, Temasek Foundation Centre for Trade & Negotiations, Singapore, Stuart Harbinson, Trade Policy Advisor, Geneva, Sebastian Herreros, International Trade and Integration Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Lutz Guellner, DG Trade, European Commission
    Time: 10:00

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, now being negotiated between 11 states including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States, and Vietnam, is supposed to solve many of the problems that have come from overlapping trade deals in the past decade. It is also supposed to be different—“a high quality, 21st century” agreement that will set standards for future trade agreements.

  • ECIPE Afternoon Seminar: Russia in the World Trade Organisation

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, Brussels
    Speakers: Lothar Ehring, Adrian van den Hoven, Nikolay Mizulin
    Time: 14:30

    Russia recently joined the World Trade Organisation. The accession negotiations have been long and controversial, and there have been doubts in Russia as well as in other countries about the merits of having Russia inside the WTO. But now that the accession has concluded successfully, it is time to look at how to make the best of Russia’s entry. Is this an opportunity for larger reforms in Russia’s economic and commercial policy? Will it deliver on its promises to liberalise its economy? Should Europe fear that Russia will be a disobedient member of the WTO club? And what should be EU’s strategy for Russia’s membership in the WTO – and, beyond, bilateral relations to deepen economic integration?

  • ECIPE Conference: Whither Europe-Asia Trade and Economic Relations?

    Venue: Science14 Atrium, Rue de la Science 14b, 1040 Bruxelles
    Speakers: Petr Blizkovsky, Fredrik Erixon, Guy de Jonquières, George Magnus, Joao Marques de Almedia, Razeen Sally
    Time: 14:00

    It is said that we live in the Age of Asia. And it is in many ways true. With weak growth in Europe and the U.S., the world economy is increasingly relying on the continental economic awakening in Asia to continue. Yet rapid changes in the world economy, and the structure of world economic power, seldom take place without political friction. Managing a country’s relative economic incline can be as difficult as managing an economy’s relative decline.

  • ECIPE Roundtable: Global Business and the Future of Trade Policy

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, Brussels
    Speakers: Ari van Assche, Per Altenberg, Fredrik Erixon, Razeen Sally
    Time: 14:30

    Trade liberalisation in the post-war era was to a large extent driven by mercantilist instincts. A provocative observation for a free-trade purist, perhaps. Nonetheless, successful forms of negotiated trade liberalisation were based on an exchange of “concessions”, or reciprocated market access for exporters. The modern world economy, however, does not operate in accordance with the mercantilist textbook. The past decades of globalising supply chains have made it difficult to distinguish the national identity of a product and what exactly represents an export gain.

  • Lunch Seminar: Whither EU-Asia Trade Economic Relations? – Conversation with the Danish Presidency

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, Brussels
    Speakers: Ambassador Soren Kelstrup, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
    Time: 12:30

    In our series of events on EU-Asia relations, ECIPE is pleased to invite you to a conversation with Søren Kelstrup, Head of Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark and Ambassador for Trade Policy.

  • ECIPE Lunch Seminar – The Age of Equality: The Twentieth Century in Economic Perspective

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, Brussels
    Speakers: Richard Pomfret
    Time: 12:30

    In 1900 the global average life expectancy at birth was 31 years. By 2000 it was 66. Yet, alongside unprecedented improvements in longevity and material well-being, the twentieth century also saw the rise of fascism and communism and two world wars followed by a cold war.

The nineteenth century was a period of rapid economic growth characterised by relatively open markets and more personal liberty, but it also brought great inequality within and between nations. The following century offered sharp challenged to free-wheeling capitalism from both communism and fascism, whose competing visions of planned economic development attracted millions of people buffeted by the economic storms of the 1930s.

  • ECIPE/ESF Seminar: Is There a Case for a Plurilateral Agreement on Services?

    Venue: European Economic and Social Committee, Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Brussels
    Speakers: Michael Punke, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Marc Vanheukelen, Vital Moreira, Sören Kelstrup, Tim Yeend, David Plunkett, Robert Vastine, Pascal Kerneis, Jonathan Peel, Edward Bowles, John Cooke
    Time: 13:45

    A plurilateral agreement between a group of willing economies is to an increasing extent being suggested as a possible way forward in order to advance liberalisation and co-operation in the field of services.